
My favourite VS Code extensions

David Carr

3 min read - 1st Jun, 2020

The following are the extensions I always install on VS Code, these are my preferred themes, snippets, and plugins.

Atom One Dark Theme

Atom One Dark Theme

I've tried lots of themes but Atom One Dark is my go-to theme. It's got a great mix of colours to differentiate between elements.

GitHub Theme

GitHub Theme

GitHub theme is one of the best light themes I've come across.

Auto Rename Tag

Auto Rename Tag

Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tags, the same as Visual Studio IDE does.

Better Align

Better Align

Align your code by colon(:), perfect for ensuring all your array keys line up perfectly.



Easily add Doc Blocks to your methods.

Duplicate Action

Add the ability to duplicate selected folders and files.

Git History

Git History

With Git History you can visually see changes to files, perfect when you need to restore to an earlier commit, and want to ensure you have the right commit.

Go to method

Go to method

The standard Go to Symbol in File... feature of VS Code can be noisy when you're only interested in functions. This extension adds a Go to Method in File... feature that allows you to focus only on the functions declared in the file.

Highlight Matching Tag

Highlight Matching Tag

Visually see the starting and ending tags for a selected element, coming in handy when inside nested elements.

HTML Boilerplate

HTML Boilerplate

Handy for starting a new HMTL page, generate the starter code.

HTML Snippets

HTML Snippets

Easily autocomplete HTML snippets

Laravel Artisan

Laravel Artisan

Run Laravel Artisan commands I love the route:list call. A time saver for larger projects.

Laravel Blade

Add Blade Syntax highlighting

Markdown Preview Enhanced

Markdown Preview Enhanced

Prefix Markdown as you write it.

PHP Intelephense

PHP code intelligence for Visual Studio Code.

Intelephense is a high-performance PHP language server packed full of essential features for productive PHP development.

PHP IntelliSense

PHP Intellisense

Advanced PHP IntelliSense for Visual Studio Code.



Easy turn code into a shareable image.

Project Manager

Easily set up and switch between projects.

Remote SSH

Remote SSH

Work on remote project over SSH

Sync Settings

Sync Settings

Sync all your settings, keyboard shortcuts and extensions to Github to easily sync VS Code on other machines or as a backup!


Very powerful, with smart features. Very simple, requires just three lines of config

Snippet Creator

This extension helps to automate snippet creation. Select the code you want to create snippet from and use command Create Snippet from the command palette or your custom keybind.

Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer


Moving from Sublime Text, then use this to importing all your settings and keymapping.



Wakatime is great for recording how long you spend writing code.

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