
Mac: Wrap any website to a desktop app using Fluid

David Carr

1 min read - 17th Jun, 2016

I’ve been thinking recently that it would be really nice be able to have a website wrapped as a desktop appliation much like how the Whatsapp wrapper work. Fluid a Mac tool does this!

download it from http://fluidapp.com/

Enter a website address give it a name and select an icon or select to use the websites icon. Then the website application will be created as a desktop app, this internally uses Chrome.

There is a paid optional to allow:

  • Create Fluid Apps with Separate Cookie Storage. (Preferences → Security → Cookie Storage)
  • Pin Fluid Apps to the Mac OS X Status Bar. (Fluid App Menu → Pin to Status Bar…)
  • Use Userscripts or Userstyles in your Fluid Apps. (Window → Userscripts)
  • Use Lion Full Screen mode in your Fluid Apps. (View → Enter Full Screen)

The free version works well as long as you don’t mind not being able to run in full screen mode. I looked for a similar app for Windows alas nothing anywhere near as simple as this.


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