Table of Contents
Financial years start from April to March, a common requirement is to be able to select a financial year from a select menu.
First by creating an array of years.
$dates = range('2016', date('Y'));
Loop over the years
foreach($dates as $date){
if (date('m', strtotime($date)) <= 6) {//Upto June
$year = ($date-1) . '-' . $date;
} else {//After June
$year = $date . '-' . ($date + 1);
echo "<option value='$year'>$year</option>";
if the month is less than or equal to June then set the year minus 1 year and add the current year (2016 - 2017) otherwise select the year and add the next year (2017 - 2018)
Putting it all together
<label class="control-label" for='year'> Year</label>
<select name="year" class="form-control">
<option value="">Select</option>
$dates = range('2016', date('Y'));
foreach($dates as $date){
if (date('m', strtotime($date)) <= 6) {//Upto June
$year = ($date-1) . '-' . $date;
} else {//After June
$year = $date . '-' . ($date + 1);
echo "<option value='$year'>$year</option>";